Sep 132023

NYSSRA-Nordic individual & club membership renewals are now due. Below are a couple of reminders.

Certificates of Insurance & Additional Insureds
Certificates & Additional insureds can only be requested after a club has officially sanctioned with NYSSRA-Nordic. As was the case last year, all you need to do is provide the name and address of the entity that is looking for a certificate &/or additional insured status. This is typically submitted with your club sanctioning paperwork, but it can also be submitted at other times throughout the year as needed. Please see the FORMS page of the website for further details & instructions.

As a reminder, if an entity needs any specific verbiage on a certificate, please make sure that you know exactly what they need before you submit the request! This is most common with governmental agencies such as New York State.

Background Checks
NYSSRA-Nordic will again require a background screening at least every two years for individuals serving as coaches or volunteers in a position of authority over &/or with frequent contact with athletes. This includes Bill Koch Youth Ski League leaders & coaches. The requirement started 2 years ago, so anybody who went through that process back then will need to complete an updated screening this year.

Each sanctioned club will be required to provide a list of any such coaches or volunteers in their club at the time that they send in their annual sanctioning forms. This is a mandatory requirement. Failure to comply will result in a rejection of the club’s sanctioning request. If you have already sanctioned your club for 2023-24, please submit that information if you have not already done so.

Licensed coaches and volunteers who have already gone through the background screening process with USSA, USBA &/or some other source such as an employer should provide a copy of their background screening “green light” confirmation. If a coach or volunteer does not already have proof of a background screening they will be required to complete a background screening application through NYSSRA-Nordic at no cost to that person.

**Volunteers with only incidental and observable contact with athletes at events are exempt from this requirement.

All NYSSRA-Nordic coaches & volunteers need to be registered members of NYSSRA-Nordic.
If the individual is not already a member and is not an active participant in NYSSRA-Nordic events, they are eligible to sign up as a coach/volunteer on SkiReg at a reduced membership rate.

Please see the NYSSRA-Nordic Background Check Policy posted on the FORMS page of the website for more information.

Any questions regarding insurance certificates, additional insureds or background screenings can be directed to the NYSSRA-Nordic Insurance Committee Chairperson Sean Halligan at


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