Plan to attend NYSSRA-Nordic’s Fall Meeting at noon on Sunday, September 15th hosted by Osceola Ski and Sport Resort, 1573 Osceola Road, Osceola, NY 13316. If you can’t be there in-person, plan to participate virtually by Zoom with this link Meeting ID: 831 4964 6245 ; Passcode: 250288 ; One tap mobile: +16468769923,,83149646245#,,,,*250288#
1. Attendance voting Members/others
2. Approval of spring meeting minutes 4/21/24
3. President’s opening remarks
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Executive Director’s Report
6. Committee Reports
7. Insurance
8. Officer slate/nominees
9. Website/ESWG Nordic director position
10. Race calendar/sanctioning/racing checklist (changes/additions)
11. Consider bid from a club and venue to host the 2024-25 N-N Cross Country Ski Championship race 12 Other business
13. Spring meeting date
Bring a lunch to the meeting because food service will be not be available at Osceola Ski and Sport Resort.