Apr 022013

Just a Reminder…..The general session of NYSSRA-Nordic’s Spring Meeting will be a teleconference (audio call-in beginning at 12:30 p.m.) on Sunday, April 7. The “electronic” meeting format saves travel, time, and gasoline. You are invited to join the officers, club representatives, and committee chairs at this meeting.

To participate in the April 7 audio call-in meeting, please email past president Darwin Roosa at  roosmean@verizon.net by Wed., April 3. You will receive a confirming email with a dial-in telephone number with passcode to use and directions.

If you are not able to participate in the meeting, your comments can be sent by: 1) email to your club representative (see  club list), or 2) email to your sport committee chair or David Paarlberg-Kvam dakvam06@gmail.com, or 3) the “leave a comment” at the bottom.

The Agenda for the meeting is posted on the previous post (actually two posts ago)


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