Club Leaders! High School Coaches! Skiers looking to enter the coaching ranks! Check this out… (read more)
Resources for Coaches and Club Leaders

Are you planning on working with youth skiers this coming off-season? Plan on running a (read more)
2013-2014 Race sign in waivers
Attention race organizers! Please take a moment this week and mail in the sign in (read more)
Spring Teleconference reminder
A quick reminder to NYSSRA members, race organizers and club leaders…Please join us for our (read more)
Support for your club!
Club Leaders! There is still time to get your club some money! Use the money (read more)
2014 NYSSRA Race Series/Wilkinson Series in review

By mid-March, many of us are used to muddy streets, 40 degrees and spitting rain, (read more)
NYSSRA-Nordic Spring Teleconference
Please consider join us for the NYSSRA-Nordic Spring Teleconference. We had a very good season (read more)

NYSSRA Championship Results for Club Relay, Biathlon Sprint, XC Distance Race and Ski Orienteering Great (read more)
NYSSRA Champs Update
-Registration for all NYSSRA-Nordic Championship events has been extended until Friday, 2/28. -At the request (read more)
Final Distance Championship Loop

The race organizer have made some adjustments to the Distance Championship course. The following map (read more)