The fall planning NYSSRA meeting will be held on SUNDAY, September 27th at Siena College. While (read more)
The fall planning NYSSRA meeting will be held on SUNDAY, September 27th at Siena College. While (read more)
The NYSSRA fall meeting had been scheduled for SUNDAY, September 27th at Siena College in (read more)
https://usbiathlon.rallyme.com/rallies/1822/maddiephaneuf-rally Long time NYSSRA member and Polar Bear skier Maddie Phaneuf is chasing her Olympic dream (read more)
Please take a few minutes to read the official minutes from the 2015 Spring NYSSRA (read more)
One of the main goals of NYSSRA-nordic is to financially support the great clubs that (read more)
The NYSSRA-nordic community is deeply saddened by sudden death of Dave Leach from the Polar Bear (read more)
Please join us for the Spring planning meeting on April 25th at 11am. We will (read more)
Club Leaders! We are planning on holding a Spring NYSSRA meeting (not a full-day planning (read more)
March is an exciting time for junior racing in New York. The week-long Junior National (read more)
After a season of epic snow and quality racing around the NYSSRA club scene the (read more)