At the fall meeting of New York State Ski Racing Association – Nordic, Inc. on September 26, President Jim Kobak recognized the Shenendehowa Nordic Club by presenting the 2010 Presidential Citation to club Secretary Eric Hamilton.
“The true foundation of NYSSRA Nordic is local clubs like Shenendehowa Nordic. Clubs help grow Nordic ski sports by generating enthusiasm in their local communities and provide skiing opportunities for skiers of all ages and abilities,” President Kobak said at the meeting. “I am honored to recognize the efforts of the Shenendehowa Nordic Club with the 2010 NYSSRA Nordic Presidential Citation.”
“This recognition from NYSSRA Nordic and President Jim Kobak means a great deal to the Shenendehowa Nordic Club,” said Eric Hamilton. “The 2009 – 2010 season was great for us despite the fact we had very little snow locally. The Mid Atlantic Bill Koch Festival involved a tremendous amount of time by the entire club membership of 18 families, and that was just our crowning achievement.”
NYSSRA Nordic established the Presidential Citation eight years ago. The initiative encourages an increased role by local clubs to promote Nordic ski sports in neighborhoods and communities throughout the state.
To achieve this recognition, the first step for a club is to renew their club membership/affiliation with NYSSRA Nordic. Club membership fees remain the same as family memberships. A club can request a certificate of insurance for their local ski events.
Then a club must work towards being an effective local ski club by following an outline of minimum criteria. NYSSRA Nordic affiliated clubs may apply for a Presidential Citation if the club meets the following criteria:
- Conduct an annual meeting of its membership with minutes filed by June 1 following the ski season.
- Have officers who are members of NYSSRA Nordic including president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.
- Be represented at NYSSRA Nordic meetings.
- Maintain a list of club membership/officials/coaches and demonstrate they encourage NYSSRA Nordic membership.
- Include a BKYSL program with a contact list in the Bill Koch directory of pages on the NYSSRA Nordic website.
- Provide at least one article with pictures of club activities for the newsletter or website.
- Meet criteria for officials, coaches and events.
Each club keeps track of their progress in meeting objectives based on the criteria and then lets NYSSRA Nordic know, in writing prior to the spring meeting, how they have meet those criteria. A form letter or a letter on a club’s letterhead can be used.
If the minimum criteria are not achievable by your club in 2010-2011, you are encouraged to work towards them in a future season. If the size of your club dictates that can’t do it alone, then work together with other local efforts.
Questions and ideas on how to improve the club system in the Mid-Atlantic Region can be sent to Darwin Roosa, President at

President Jim Kobak presents the 2010 NYSSRA Nordic Presidential Citation plaque to Eric Hamilton for the Shenendehowa Nordic Club.
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