Jan 032010

Cayuga Nordic Ski Club Race

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Its really starting to look like the snow gods are going to let CNSC hold its 10k classic ski race at Hammond Hill State Forest on January 9.  A look at the extended forecast shows cold weather and more snow through January 9.

The club was forced to either move its race to HH or abandon the race when Salmon Hills closed down.  Salmon Hills hosted our race for several years.

Some of you might remember racing at Hammond Hill when Regis Carver was active in the racing community, but our race will be a bit more “conventional” than his.  I never have raced there, but ski there frequently.  Although these are ungroomed trails on State land, the Club has obtained a DEC permit that allows us the groom for the race.  It is not a typical racing venue, but I think you’ll enjoy it.  Many of the trails are quite narrow and for the most part, we’ll have only one set track (two at the start).  Make sure you’re warmed up for the interval start-you’ll be climbing immediately for several minutes.  The far reaches of the one-lap course have you climbing even higher past a radio tower, and then you’ll bomb the Dan Karig Descent.  Your climbing is essentially done except for a couple of humps.  Most of this course has you on beautiful woods trails, if you’re inclined to pay attention to your surroundings as well as those folks in front of and behind you.

The last approximately 2k of the course is downhill along the “Bumpy Trail”-so named for its 6-7 water bars where you will catch a little air-before you make a sharp right onto a trail section we’ve just reclaimed for this race.  You’ll finish in the “stadium,” an open field owned by the Leonards, who live nearby.

Our facilities are limited-we have only a small warming hut for the registration folks.  We’ll have two port-a-johns where you can freeze your cheeks.  You’ll be changing your clothes in the car and accepting your awards outside.

We’ve put a considerable amount of work into this race (read “extracted a permit from the DEC) and it really looks like we’ll have good conditions at this point.  We’ve been skiing the course, tweaking it here and there, and it looks like the snow conditions are only going to get better.  I hope you’ll come out and help make it a success.

Jack Rueckheim

Race Director


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